One down, 6,999 to go!
That 6,999 is approximate, though I did use a calculator (for those questioning my math, that's 36 weeks X 15 years to get the Duckling through, minus one.) It makes the big assumption that I will stick with this homeschooling thing. I have signed no pledge. There is no written or oral contract. We take this day by day.
Here's day one. I was showered, dressed, and eating breakfast by 8:30 a.m., with a load of laundry in the wash (I'm not sure I can do another 2,699 days of THAT.) By 10:00 a.m., another load was in the wash, the Monkey Ducks were dressed and ready, the bathroom sink was wiped down, the kitchen cleaned up, the kitchen floor swept, and the floor mopped, which was not part of the plan. Whew! I was lucky I wasn't burned out before we started!
Here's a picture of the kids sitting down to "start." It became clear that the Duckling was expecting me to do something homeschool-ish with her. My plan was that she was going to sit at the little worktable and play with puzzles, draw or color. Um, let's just say she wasn't up for that. She's no fool; she knows the hot action was at the big worktable.
We started with Singapore Math. We reviewed number bonds since that is a concept that is used often in Singapore and one we haven't spent time on. We used the linking cubes but they were mostly used by the Duckling as a building tool. She counted the cubes in her tower so now I can check "count to 16" off the list. Phew! That took a load off. The Monkey took a break from Singapore to build a shooter guy out of the links. There is a picture of him chewing on his necklace, made by my friend Mandy for this very purpose. The boy needs to chew and this option is so much better than his shirts, his fingers, or his sister's hair.
Hi Heather!
Just wanted to say that I love your blog! I checked it out after seeing your post on the Well Trained Mind group. I've been thinking about starting one and yours has given me inspiration! I'm a homeschooling mom of an 8 yr old boy and 5 yr old girl. We've been at it for almost 2 yrs and we love it!! Have you checked out the "secular homeschoolers" yahoo group? It's provided me with lots of great ideas. Just an FYI.
Take care! Anita
Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you like the blog. It is still a work-in-progress, just like homeschooling!
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