Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

The Duckling's idea of a good time.

Playmobile Boot Camp

Back to the Barracks

Hands outstretched for lone balloon

No, I'm not worried.


AM said...

Boot Camp looks Awesome!!!

I got your blog addy from MDC. Hope you don't mind if we pop in every now and then.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking today, while I was teaching a boot camp, that I need an assistant. Tell Jayna I could pay her in pink handbags and boas.

Anonymous said...

omg, that's so funny!! Yeah, no worries. Sarah had fun picking out which ones she had passed down to Jayna (and didn't seem to mind their new reality).

Anonymous said...

How funny! My kids do things like that with their assorted Playmobil characters. It's especially effective when you have the shepherd girl, several pirates, a king, and a teenager with a skateboard all doing the same thing. LOL

I wandered over from MDC. :)